25 ноября 2009 г.

Интересные ссылки – performance guideline

Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability – большой сборник рекомендаций по написанию performance-critical приложений.
Online. PDF.

Несмотря на почтенный возраст, в книжке много актуальных нюансов - кое-какие нюансы узнаются впервые. Например:

The maxconnection attribute in Machine.config limits the number of concurrent outbound calls.
Note: … The setting applies to outbound connections from the current computer, for example to ASP.NET applications and Web services calling other remote Web services.

The default setting for maxconnection is 2 per connection group. For desktop applications that call Web services, two connections may be sufficient. For ASP.NET applications that call Web services, two is generally not enough. Change the maxconnection attribute from default of 2 to (12 x #CPUs) as a starting point.
  <add address="*" maxconnection="12"/>

Note that 12 connections x #CPUs is an arbitrary number, but empirical evidence has shown that it is optimal for a variety of scenarios ...

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